Mission of The School of Etiquette

To provide contemporary life lesson and dining instruction of the highest quality to students, corporations and individuals of all ages. We offer educational etiquette programs that extend a meaningful input to Children and adult’s knowledge, skills that will defiantly increase their confidence level, enhances character building and contributes to their success in life.

The School of Etiquette courses are offered to several schools and places across the kingdom in the form of one class per a week for six to eight weeks. These classes utilize the use of role-playing, fun, and real life demonstrations to reinforce and teach proper manners. In addition, students leave with a detailed workbook ,CDs Certificate of Completion and obviously increased self-esteem.

The distribution of the program varies based on the students’ age but the topics that we cover are:
• Why Manners are Important
• The Art of Conversation
• Self-esteem & Confidence Building
• Social Skills, Introductions, Handshakes
• Kindness & Consideration of Others
• Attending a Party or Being a Guest
• Public Speaking and Good Posture
• The Proper Way to address Elders
• Hair and Nail Care
• The ABCs of Table Manners
• Table Place Settings
• Napkins & Handling Silverware
• Tea Party
• Writing Proper Thank-You Notes
• Telephone, Cell Phone, Email Etiquette
• Writing a CV resume
• Business Etiquette


The School Of Etiquette Class At " My Little House School" Dining Etiquette Lesson